Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Travel Destination: Yellowstone.

Yellowstone, The first national park to ever be protected by the government. It is a beautiful landscape that buffalo roam and the elk feed on the grass. Yellowstone is the home of an active super volcano. It fuels geysers and hot boiling pots of sulfur. People from all around world visit this active land. The land breaths like a dragon.The Wolves that were reintroduce in 1995 weed the herds of Elk and Bison. Old Faithful spits into the air who know how long. A site to see.

The history is also a treat to learn about. There is an arch at the north entrance that is dedicated to Theodore Roosevelt who made the national parks service a reality. He was an outdoors man. He was a avid hunter. Roosevelt said in his 1909 message to congress was "Conservation of our resources is the fundamental question before this nation, and...our first and greatest task is to set our house in order and begin to live within our means."

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